2008年3月23日 星期日

The Grand Mosque @ Abu Dhabi

之前提及過有香港同事及其太太黎杜拜半工作半遊玩,,, 前日從杜拜玩到入黎Abu Dhabi,, 我地當然又要盡地主之宜帶佢地四周遊玩一番!(攰到癲左~)

適逢二安之前同我講係Abu Dhabi起左近十年既Grand Mosque 依家可以俾遊客免費參觀... 我地當然唔執輸, 倍朋友之餘, 自己都去開開眼界!!!!

呢張相係從車上影... 由於呢個Mosque好大,, 近影一定影唔晒, 而且附近仲係under construction, 呢張相俾我cut 頭cut 尾就靚晒!

好好彩當日天氣超級好,, 個天藍到不得了!!!!!!!  大家個心情都勁正~

唔好講咁多... 睇相啦!

About the Grand Mosque (copied from the internet)

-The mosque has the world's largest carpet at 7,119 square metres from Iran
-The world's largest chandelier from Germany made from one million Swarovski crystals
-It has 28 types of marble and 24-carat gold throughout
-The 22,412 square metre mosque site equates to around the size of five football fields.
-More than 3,000 workers and 38 renowned contracting companies took part in the construction work.
-The mosque has 82 domes all of traditional Moroccan design - all decorated with white marble.
-The main dome's outer shell is 32.8 metres in diameter and stands at a height of 70 metres from the inside and 85 metres from the outside. "

又一中東特色!!!  用大量金錢堆砌而成既建築物... 金碧輝煌, 令人嘆為觀止!!!!   呢到當然只係一部份既介紹(室外)... 室內既相聽日再繼續,, 太多post唔晒!!

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