2008年9月20日 星期六

看, 我們如此幸福

Let us complain less and give more!

If you think you are unhappy, look at them


If you think your salary is low, how about her?


If you think you don't have many friends...


When you feel like giving up, think of this man


If you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does?


If you complain your transport system, how about them?


If your society is unfair to you, how about her?

Enjoy life how it is and as it comes
Things are worse for others and is a lot better for us

There are many things in your life that will catch your eye but only a few will catch your heart....pursue those...  

收到呢封email 既時候, 覺得真係一篇好好既message, 好值得我地去反思自己平時對生活既態度!  

我自己都唔係一個時時刻刻懂得珍惜, 懂得知足既人, 所以睇到呢篇文章時, 真係好大感觸, 覺得自己真係真係應該要反醒!!!!   每個人都會遇到挫折或不如意既事, 而且唔係個個人都EQ爆棚懂得自我安慰, 好多時仍然會讚牛角尖!

但其實諗真d, 我地生於呢個年代, 呢個地方, 已經係一個"超級幸運兒"!   當然, 每個人仍然有自己既煩惱, 自己既問題, 但係相比以上圖片所見到既人, 你仲敢唔敢話自己係世界上最慘既人? 話呢個天對你唔公平??

呢封email我唔能夠copy and paste咁copy上黎yahoo blog, 因為有好多圖片load唔到, 我要另存圖片再upload上網先OK, 但將近完成時, IE又突然死左, 乜都無晒.... (灰~) 但個一刻我個心無放棄, 因為我想大家都得到幸福, 想大家都能夠做個知足快樂既人,, 所以就算要再花多少少時間, 我都好想好想將呢篇文章share 俾大家, 希望大家都能夠得到幸福快樂~

**歡迎引用, 將呢個message帶俾更多人*

